Tech committee 12-13-11


Technology Committee Minutes





Three points of what we covered and our next three steps.


The technology committee met on December 13, 2011 at the District Office. Here are the main points from the day for you to share with the staff at your site.


1. The committee discussed the goal of the technology committee is to provide vision for the use of technology in the district. This vision will be captured in a practical and clear district technology plan. 2. The committee visited district classrooms to understand the current experiences in classrooms across the district. 3. The common core is being discussed in committees across our district. The technology committee needs to align the use of technology with the common core by focusing on practices that encourage deeper learning of content rather than broader coverage.


Next Steps: a. We will share the results of what we saw in classrooms with the rest of the technology committee teams. b. We will define our goals for technology use in our district classrooms. c. Outline a plan for moving our district towards those goals. 


Our next meeting is Thursday 2/16/2012 from 8:30am - 3:00pm at the District Office Madrone Room.