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K-6 Math Committee

Page history last edited by Jason Sutter 11 years, 4 months ago

Table of Contents

K-6 Math Committee

1-2 Sentence description of the purpose of this committee.




Working Documents

Year Overview  Resources Meeting Notes 

Kindergarten Overview

1st Grade Overview

2nd Grade Overview

3rd Grade Overview

4th Grade Overview

5th Grade Overview

6th Grade Overview 


k-6 standards.pdf


Randall Charles_Big Ideas and Understandings_NCSM.pdf

Math Scope and Sequence Guidelines and Purpose.pdf


Georgia Maps 

Pearson Maps


Kindergarten 4/24/13 

1st Grade 4/24/13

2nd Grade 4/24/13

3rd Grade 4/24/13

4th Grade 4/24/13

5th Grade 4/24/13

6th Grade 4/24/13

Summer Work - June 6 and 7, 2013 

Math Scope and Sequence Guidelines and Purpose

K-8 Big Ideas and Essential Questions Bank







Meeting Date Minutes Top 3
4/12/2012  link to minutes file (pdf)
  • The common core is rapidly approaching. Math committee is focused on moving us toward common core and becoming prepared to implement it. We are looking to foster district math practices that encourage going deeper with less standards instead of covering a broad spectrum with shallow understanding.
  • Next year each grade will have students complete a MARS task each trimester in grades 2-6. These MARS tasks can be completed any time during the trimester, but should be completed before the benchmark closes. MARS tasks allow site and district grade level discussions to focus on student work and thinking.
  • We will provide support for these tasks next year. That will be some sharing of information and likely some level of training.
11/29/12  http://bit.ly/TIERom 
  • Next year our district will be moving forward with Common Core implementation. Although the CST administered next year will assess the current standards, our district will focus on the new standards adopted in the CCCS and expect that test results will work out with the focus on depth brought by the common core.
  • We are focused this year on preparing ourselves for the common core. We will plan the shifts in teaching and learning that we will need to make to align with these new standards and emphasize rigorous depth and understanding rather than coverage.
  • The math committee will be looking into providing curricular support by identifying a scope and sequence with the enVision materials and what additional materials should be supplemented to fill gaps.


McNear Elementary


1st Grade

2nd Grade

3rd Grade

4th Grade

5th Grade

6th Grade

All teachers in the Elementary School District were invited to a district-wide math meeting held at McNear Elementary from 2:00 to 4:00. The agenda for the day was set by the Elementary Math Committee. The first hour was facilitated by Josh Deis from SCOE to discuss Common Core and Re-engagement lessons. The second hour was facilitated by grade level members of the math committee to look at MARS tasks and performance assessments. The agenda from the day is contained in the notes from the previous math meeting. <http://bit.ly/TIERom>





1st Grade

2nd Grade

3rd Grade

4th Grade

5th Grade

6th Grade

This district level meeting took place in grade level groups at McKinley Elementary. The agenda for each grade level cover three topics: 

  1. The path of math in PCS
  2. Re-engagement: discuss and debrief
  3. Teaching strategy: You-We-I 

A more detailed account of the facilitator agenda can be found at this link: Facilitator Agenda. Notes from each grade level can be found at the left.  


Links to various resources discussed as part of the meeting, published on the web or uploaded to the wiki for this commitee.


MARS Tasks for 2013-2014 School Year

Timeline of MARS tasks and when to give them

Trimester 3 Benchmarks


Power Standard Outlines


Common Core Math Standards Comparison


Resources for December 5, 2012 District Meeting


Resources for January 23, 2013 District Meeting



  • Jason Sutter - Administrator
  • Matthew Harris - Administrator
  • Amy Fadeji - Administrator 


Kinder Kelly Wood (McDowell) 
Lacey Murnig (McKinley)
Kristie Hultquist (Valley Vista)
First Shelly Kincaid (McNear)
Wendy Funk (Penngrove)
Carrie Caudle (Cherry Valley)
Second Catherine Markham (McDowell)
Denise Howe (Cherry Valley)
Third Lee Hill (McDowell)
Inez Reed (Grant)
Chelsea Wilson (Valley Vista)
Fourth Kathryn O’Niell (Grant)
Laura Crandall (McKinley)
Suzanne Garcia (McNear)
Fifth Jean Heaslet (McNear)
Jean Groh (Grant)
Mark Mortensen (McKinley)
Michele Andersen (Penngrove)
Sixth Melanie Christian (McKinley)
Ed Zeidler (Penngrove)
Elizabeth Dalzell (Valley Vista)
Middle School Elizabeth Street



K-6 Math Meeting Dates



Click here to view full District Calendar






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