
Ed Tech Committee

Page history last edited by Jason Sutter 11 years, 9 months ago


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Ed Tech Committee


Our committee has grown with the addition of many more teachers from our sites and a few additional administrators. A new complete listing of committee members is below.
Some of you know all the meeting specifics but some of you do not so the meeting info is:
1.  There are three meetings in this school year. 
2.  All to at the District Office in one of our meeting rooms. 
3.  See meeting dates below.
Jane Escobedo and Mike Cole understand that the teachers are the formal members of this committee and the principals and district administrators will come as time permits. 




Meeting Date Agenda Minutes Top 5
09-13-2011  Ed Tech Agenda 09-13-2011

Ed Tech Meeting Notes 09-13-2011

  1. Some of the information from the Horizon Report (Key Trends)

  2. Grouped heterogeneously to discuss future technology and next steps

  3. Text books are going away. Looking at online texts.

  4. What cloud computing is and the benefits across the curriculum and intervention.

  5. Challenges in the report.

  6. Creativity

  7. Access from anywhere (uninterrupted learning)

  8. Digital divide is a factor of education instead of money. Technology skills are critical to success.

  9. Mindful of the training and support required.

  10. Focus groups and/or study groups for training and awareness of technological best practices.

We will send the list and the report and the PowerPoint.

Meeting 12-13-11   Tech committee 12-13-11
  1. The committee discussed the goal of the technology committee is to provide vision for the use of technology in the district. This vision will be captured in a practical and clear district technology plan. 
  2. The committee visited district classrooms to understand the current experiences in classrooms across the district.
  3. The common core is being discussed in committees across our district. The technology committee needs to align the use of technology with the common core by focusing on practices that encourage deeper learning of content rather than broader coverage.





  1. We developed a rough draft of our 5 year vision for elementary, middle, and high school students.
  2. We started to develop draft goals for technology integration, info lit skills/tech skills, and 2-way/3-way communication.
  3. We brainstormed the types of technology training support Lori can provide. 



  1. The technology committee spent the majority of our last meeting drafting goals for using technology to support student learning. These goals will be revised by the Technology Plan sub committee and brought back to the group. The five areas for these goals as outlined by the CDE are: integration, skill development, equal access, use of data, and home-school communication.
  2. We will accordion this plan between the Ed Tech Committee and our schools throughout the process. The first opportunity to share will be after the New Year once an initial draft is completed.
  3. We continue to look through the lens of Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, and Creativity as we discuss our district moving forward. The committee is looking to integrate all technology efforts with the broader student goals of our schools and district.
Meeting 2/28/13    http://bit.ly/Yg1XZn
  1. Break-out groups worked on appendices for the Minimum Website Requirements and Parent Communication Satisfaction Survey and the Learning Environment Guidelines (which will be shared with the entire committee)
  2. We brainstormed ideas for the professional development part of the tech plan 
  3. We worked on the implementation plan for the curriculum section of the tech plan



  • Mike Cole
  • Jane Escobedo
  • or link a file with list of members  



Ed Tech Meeting Dates



View full District Calendar





Links to various resources discussed as part of the meeting, published on the web or uploaded to the wiki for this commitee.



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